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My journey towards a Data Analyst | Python Developer


I believe working as a Software Engineer needs much more than just programming skills. McDonald's is where I've adapted to pressure, responsible and teamwork.

Data Science Intern

The experience from college and projects, gathering all the skills and information; I went to gain more knowledge. I worked as a Data Science intern for 4 months.

Data Engineer

As Jack Ma once said, "A Computer Engineer should always start his journey in a startup comapany". I worked as a Data Engineer in a startup in Kerala where I've grabbed mastery in pyspark and Airflow


Let's go through some of my Projects.!

Data Mining
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Data Analysis
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Neural Networks
Implantation of 'AND' and 'OR' functions
Canteen Management
Developing a smart canteen web app
Music Recommender
A personalized music recommendation system
Market Basket Analysis
Implementation of Market Basket Analysis on a larger databse.


My Voyage to become a Data Analyst|Python Developer

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me..!

5447 Razorbill Court,
Mississauga, ON, L5V 2C9

Follow me on these social media platforms.

Platform URL
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/augustine-jose/
GitHub: https://github.com/Iamaugustin3
Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/14232372/augustine-jose